
Once you register your camp, our CampRecruiter team will look at your profile and make sure nothing is missing. If we need more info, we will let you know.

Fully-Refundable Deposit

If you are brand new to CampRecruiter, we require a fully-refundable $250 deposit to join the platform. This is to ensure our counselor applicants that only serious camps are members of CampRecruiter. This fully-refundable deposit will be applied to any future payments owed to CampRecruiter. If you wish to leave the CampRecruiter community, you may request a return of any unused portion deposit at anytime. Simply email info@camprecruiter.com.

Screening Process

Once you are registered as a CampRecruiter camp, we will immediately allow counselors to apply to be members of your staff. Our camp experts will screen out those applicants that are not qualified nor a good fit for your camp so you don’t waste your time reviewing or interviewing unacceptable candidates. For those that may be a good fit, we will rank them either 1,2, or 3 star candidates to help expedite your review. Once we approve a candidate for your review, you can view their interview videos, resume, interview availability, and other details so you can schedule your interview with them and perform further due diligence on that counselor applicant.

Payment Details

You will only be charged if you hire a counselor that we recruit for you. If a counselor departs your camp mid-summer for any reason, we will refund any payments made to us for recruiting that counselor and prorate the refund relative to the time they already worked at camp. The cost is $250 per counselor your camp hires. If you do not hire any counselors that we recruit, you will not be charged. Hence, no risk.

*Feature Coming Soon* Free Services for Direct-to-Your-Camp Counselors

We will also provide you with a link to use for counselors that want to apply directly to your camp and only your camp. You can post this link on your website and we will screen all those counselor applicants for you for free. Any counselor that applies through the direct link will be free of charge. As a result, you can direct any applicant through CampRecruiter so we can expedite your hiring process at no cost to you.

We look forward to working with you!

The CampRecruiter Staff



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Your final interview & due diligence

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